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BSA Repack


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Hi all! I'm trying to tweak textures archive after the two hd pack came out.


First try, waiting for an official patch for the dlc, I extracted the two bsa, then I made all corrections listed here. Now I need to repack all the files into two new corrected bsa. I tried with FOMM Bsa Creator: with medium compression the size is almost equal to the original files and under the 2GB limit, but the game crashes at startup while loading my repacked BSA(s). So maybe the FOMM tool isn't compatible with Skyrim? Is there any compatible tool for creating BSA? I found nothing on internet... somebody knows? Thanks

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the creation kit comes with a BSA packer


Archive.exe in the skyrim main folder! It seems it works!


I repacked the first bsa and added to Skyrim.ini archive load list.


Thank you very much! Now I'll try to merge new and old textures: maybe I can save some GB.


Edit: and I'm curious to see if i can reduce occasional lags in loading textures

Edited by mry81
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