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Alexander2324 - BANNED

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Alexander2324 banned.




Reason for the ban


Abuse of site staff during a private message discussion.


Reply given to staff member KunoMochi:


Sent Today, 02:10 AM


You're a nonce i said they don't work that's not attacking anyone stop pedo freaking you autist.


Similiar comments which caused the users previous warnings, and the source of the PM discussion.


Calling for a mod author to be banned due to personal inability to install mod properly.


Posted Yesterday, 08:12 AM

Uninstalled and reported. This guy needs to be banned he's making garbage mods that don't work. Mods need to remove this rubbish


Report filed about the above.


File uploader: _________

File reported: ___________

Report reason: False information

Report: Broken/not working ban the creator


Other examples of similar comments that instigated users previous warnings.


File uploader: ________

File reported: __________

Report reason: False information

Report: Doesnt work or a virus


Posted 19 April 2017 - 09:43 AM

Rubbish mod didnt work at all autistic modder


Posted 19 April 2017 - 09:54 AM

Crashes the game reported this autistic mod and the autistic creator. pedo freak



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These moderators have a right to carry out their task without harassment, insult or hassle. Members who believe that a member of staff is not conducting themselves properly should get in contact with Robin via the forums or email. Know that if Robin receives word of any members harassing or being rude to Nexus site staff then he will take every action possible to permanently remove them from his sites.


Reference post


Reference post


Reference post




Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 2 formal warnings before they were banned



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