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New Crafting unit problem


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Hey I have a question.

I want to make new type of crafting in fallout new Vegas sort of like how Darkfirebird made this vending machine http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=42743

Can I just follow these steps I made or do I need to know how to script?

1. First navigate to the item crafting bench

2. Change the console id

3. Change the name

4. Try to change a model

5. Save the crafting interface as a master file (.esm) NOT a plug-in file (.esp) then reload GECK

6. Load up both Fallout New Vegas master file and the crafting interface Master File

7. Create a blank plug-in file for your recipes and name it something simple like Recipes

8. Create a recipe for that crafting interfere you created

9. Enjoy your new crafting interface


I was also wondering about step 5 will that save as a .esm or example.esm.esp?



I want to make one out of the model for the useless mail boxes like the one on the Good springs store porch. I want to call it a import box so that you could get imported weapons from it. I know that they are not actually imported but crafted out of whatever form of currency you use (pre-war money, caps and such)


Edited by Rexdorchester
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hmmm well you'd have to know how to script, unless you want it to be EXACTLY like the vendor mod and you could just download it and edit the script so it'd vend you different items. the editing the script wouldn't be very tough, it's just changing a couple of names in the script


EDIT: you also could just apply the edited Vendor Script to a Mailbox

Edited by Sparton54
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