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help command filters broken


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the command: "help", doesn't work with the filters from 0 to 4

"Filters: 0-all 1-functions, 2-settings, 3-globals, 4-other forms"

The filter 4 (other forms) has to filter the results, showing only specific types. Like "Armor", "Weapon" or else.

The proper syntax is: help "something" 4 <form>, where <form> should be replaced with the proper type, which consist of 4 letters.

As weap for weapon, or armo for armor, or npc_ for creatures and so on...


Let's just say i need "Bear Claws" for my potions:

Example: help "bear" 4 ingr

This should show only results that contain the word "bear" and it is of type: ingredient.


Or: help "leather" 4 armo

This should show only results that contain the word "leather" and it is of type: armor


Or: help "bandit" 4 npc_

This should show only results that contain the word "bandit" and it is of type: NPC



Just as it works with Fallout 4. Yes, it is the same command as in Fallout 4, but when i execute:

help "plasma" 4 weap

In Fallout 4 it will properly filter the search and only show weapon type results.

Or: help "plasma" 4 ammo

It will show only ammunition type results.


My question is, why "help filters" work just fine in Fallout 4 and does not in Skyrim ??

Should be really easy to fix, but it is constantly overlooked and left out of patches and updates..

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My question is, why "help filters" work just fine in Fallout 4 and does not in Skyrim ??

Should be really easy to fix, but it is constantly overlooked and left out of patches and updates..

You resurrected multiple old threads and started this one. Please don't resurrect old threads or post the same information multiple times. I'll reply here since it's the new thread.


There's nothing broken about Skyrim's implementation. It works exactly as the developers intended. Skyrim is the older game and they had already stopped updating it before someone decided to improve the help command for Fallout 4.


I might be able to duplicate that effect in my Better Console mod though. At the moment I make the console buffer much larger so more items fit and make the window bigger so you can scroll back faster to find something. But a filter on the results would be very nice if I can find a way to do it.

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