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Shadowcasters in the CK?


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So, like most people on this site, I got the Construction Kit for Skyrim.


Got the hang of it (after an hour or so of trying to find a simple fire), but now I can't see the shadows the shadow-casting light entities are supposed to make. Looking at the tutorial for the lights explains nothing, and I even tried changing the size of the light, the depth bias, everything, can't see any shadows.


So did I miss a button or something? Because that's all I can think of and it's not explained anywhere.


Yes, I know it's the light with the purple.. stick thing in the middle. Also, it turns red when I turn off bright lights. Pretty sure that's normal, since it does that in other cells, too.




EDIT:: Nevermind, I found the answer. Must have accidentally read over it. Oops. //UPDATE// Turns out hitting "Reload Shaders", "Apply", then re-starting the CK fixed it.

Edited by OneTrueForky
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