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Suggestion for Perk Script possibly?


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I've seen a few mods around recently that deal with the way that the perk cap can be severly limiting, especially when you're forced to take non-combatative perks in order to further your adventuring career. For example, taking anything in the Speech Tree, Complete waste of time given that all those bandits out there arn't going to be in the least bit bothered how well you beg and plead, they'll still stick your head on a stick to warn the next silver spoon'd aventurer to run before they stop to chat.


With that in mind, what i thought would be the best suggestion would be to have for example two perks per level, (up to level 10/15 say) only the extra perk you receive cannot go towards a combatative skill, i.e. armsman, overdraw, or any of the mages tree's outside of maybe Enchanting maybe. So that your character would develop their skills in whatever path they choose, but also be able to learn to speak nicely to people at the same time. So that while leveling you don't loose an edge in combat just so that you can get 10% better prices, or flirt with female shop owners!,


anyway, if anyone thinks this is a good idea, or has any idea of how i could possibly script this, i'd be happy to take any advice and maybe i'll get it done myself!. otherwise i'm happy to take any advice!



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Throw away the perks and integrate them into skill growth.

A script could handle it so that when you reach certain skill values, it will automatically give you the appropriate perk for that weapon, magical school and so on.


That is a possiblity, but it doesnt quite apply to the theme i was aiming for. I don't want to overhaul the system, i quite like Skyrims Perk System and how it works. The only let down for me, was that perks like, Allure, Green Thumb, Haggle, Experimenter, Deep Pockets, Treasure hunter, and others were valued the same as Overdraw, Armsman, Impact.

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