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Dragon Priest Overhaul


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For anyone who has played the game, you've likely found a Dragon Priest Mask or two. Or, if your like me, you hunted down all 8 to get the ninth.

However, between in game lore, the Wiki and UESP, not a whole lot is said about them, besides that they served the dragons, and were given vast power.

However, I do not feel like discussing the lore. I want to discuss a huge mod for the game.

Said mod will be, in theory, as big of a file as Skyrim itself.

Let me explain:

Once the location, Labarynthian, is discovered, a unique Wooden Mask is located that takes you "back in time" to when the temple in said location is still in tact. Now, the only signifigance this has on the game is found once all 8 of the priest masks are placed inside of the past temple. This unlocks a final 9th mask, whose priest spirit is randomly called to help in combat.

So... Why does this priest not have his body guarding word walls like the others? The lore gives nothing of the sort, leaving a lot of playing room for a full, fresh new outlook on the game. The mod would create a quest once you have obtained the 9th mask. The mod, in essence, would create a second Skyrim world, in which the player is thrown into a crisis from the past.


Once you put on the 9th mask, the door in the temple will open. The player is thrust into the body of Konahrik, the warlord of the Priests. Choosing to believe that the cause is wrong(the dragons being all powerful, and enslaving humans) he chooses to side secretly against the dragons and the priests and take each one down one by one. Once about 4 have been eliminated, and locked away into their temples as Liches, Morekei discovers your treachery, and turns remaining priests against you. You must then unearth a hidden, all powerful tool to stop the dragon war once and for all.



*Such a project would mean copying the vanilla skyrim world, and make difficult modifications based on time and known lore.(I.e., no Draugrs, no Great Collapse, etc)

*Making Konahrik allow the player to stay in the temple once the Wooden Mask is removed.

*must remove all previous ties to factions, and establish new ones

*must remove all original characters and replace them

*New Voice acting for main characters must be established


The Good:

*Loosely established lore allows for a more creative, easy to make story

*No NEW landmarks must be made, but a lot must still have minor tweaks

*Mod would create several more hours of gameplay


Give me feedback on the mod idea, and let me know if anyone can help make such a mod happen. With a good team, a mod like this could fall in place nicely, and it would be awesome to see it in action.

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For anyone who has played the game, you've likely found a Dragon Priest Mask or two. Or, if your like me, you hunted down all 8 to get the ninth.

However, between in game lore, the Wiki and UESP, not a whole lot is said about them, besides that they served the dragons, and were given vast power.

However, I do not feel like discussing the lore. I want to discuss a huge mod for the game.

Said mod will be, in theory, as big of a file as Skyrim itself.

Let me explain:

Once the location, Labarynthian, is discovered, a unique Wooden Mask is located that takes you "back in time" to when the temple in said location is still in tact. Now, the only signifigance this has on the game is found once all 8 of the priest masks are placed inside of the past temple. This unlocks a final 9th mask, whose priest spirit is randomly called to help in combat.

So... Why does this priest not have his body guarding word walls like the others? The lore gives nothing of the sort, leaving a lot of playing room for a full, fresh new outlook on the game. The mod would create a quest once you have obtained the 9th mask. The mod, in essence, would create a second Skyrim world, in which the player is thrown into a crisis from the past.


Once you put on the 9th mask, the door in the temple will open. The player is thrust into the body of Konahrik, the warlord of the Priests. Choosing to believe that the cause is wrong(the dragons being all powerful, and enslaving humans) he chooses to side secretly against the dragons and the priests and take each one down one by one. Once about 4 have been eliminated, and locked away into their temples as Liches, Morekei discovers your treachery, and turns remaining priests against you. You must then unearth a hidden, all powerful tool to stop the dragon war once and for all.



*Such a project would mean copying the vanilla skyrim world, and make difficult modifications based on time and known lore.(I.e., no Draugrs, no Great Collapse, etc)

*Making Konahrik allow the player to stay in the temple once the Wooden Mask is removed.

*must remove all previous ties to factions, and establish new ones

*must remove all original characters and replace them

*New Voice acting for main characters must be established


The Good:

*Loosely established lore allows for a more creative, easy to make story

*No NEW landmarks must be made, but a lot must still have minor tweaks

*Mod would create several more hours of gameplay


Give me feedback on the mod idea, and let me know if anyone can help make such a mod happen. With a good team, a mod like this could fall in place nicely, and it would be awesome to see it in action.


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so you want to make a whole new game? you need a large amount of people for this..

if you can get enough people working on this and you seem to be able to show effort and proof of your own work on this project then i might help, i'm a GC architect and I'm sure you need a temple or two

Edited by DreamCodex
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Ya I realize this is quite the big project. I might promote this a bit more and try to get a big team together, including myself, to get this in action. Keep in touch with me, and when I start to get people in on this, I would love to have you on board!:)


I haven't tampered much with the Creation Kit, but I did work a lot with the Construction Set in Oblivion. The only thing in particular I can do, TBH, is create character AI, and I managed to script a few spells in those days as well.


Is anyone pretty in tune with the Lore of the Dragon War? I want this mod to take place towards the end, but i'm having a hard time figuring out a few things. I.E, how long before the events of Skyrim is this happening?

That said, were figures like Alduin and Paathrurnax involved?

Who were some of the notable rebels in this time period?

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If your looking for an appropriate time period have you considered having the player enter into this world just shortly before *SPOILERS BELOW* Alduin is set adrift in time. That way you could structure the plot to alow the player to witness Alduin interact with all of his priests one last time before he flies off to fight Gormlaith Golden-Hilt, Felldir the Old and Hakon One-Eye; while at the same time preventing the player from fighting Alduin again and potentially erasing the events of Skyrim. You could use a situation like this to both explain why all of the masks were on there pedestal at the time of the players entrance by saying its a ritual facet of the priests' interaction with their dragon overlord. Going from there its not a huge stretch to say that when Alduin dosn't return from High Hrothgar the priests would get worried, and in short time the cult would fall into a state of turmoil; Leaving plenty of opportunities for the Dragonborn to slip into their ranks.


In this situation it Paarthanax would have already founded the begginings of the Grey Beards and as such would be an enemy to the dragon cult.


The heros Felldir the Old and Hakon One-Eye will still be alive, and will most likely be found attacking the dragon cult head on. I'm not completely sure if the time period is correct but I feel like Talos should be alive during this time period as well, and if he is then he and his followers would also be opposed to the Dragon Cult.


The Akaviri would also be alive and at this time and definitely out to kill some Dragons.


There would also be a rebel army involved with Lord Harrod and Skom Snow-Strider (the general who was responsible for the mass suicide at Forelhost).


This could ocur between 1E110- 1E130 if Skom's Journal is a good date marker for the Defeat of the Dragon Cult.

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It sounds like a pretty comprehensive idea! With all of those plot ideas in motion, it could be set up much easier to have the mod start right as the cult begins to crumble.

I appreciate you letting me know who the rebels were, too: I couldn't remember for the life of me. I'm going to do some research tonight about the characters you mentioned, and start to piece together a solid plot for this mod. Thank you!:)

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