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Oblivion UI?


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Since the CK set is out now.. Could somebody please do oblivion like UI mod for Skyrim please.. I all know there was huge topic that many people

have been talking about for awhile on doing a better Menu/UI for Skyrim.. I know Kenney here was working on one.

His mod is here Kenney Oblivion- UI

But he has showed up or even posted in a couple of months.. Gut feeling is he took arrow in the knee? Lol

Nah he prob got busy with Real life, which understandable. So Maybe somebody else could take a shot at it please?


I can understand that there wont be map UI since Skyrim current map and add on already work well. But if somebody could make Oblivion

like UI screen for Stats/info/Quest and looks like oblivion type.. I would be happy as I'm sure many many others people would be too..

Doesn't have be exzact, but close- Oblivion feel like would be cool please..




And yes that one my old centaur charts. Da-Mage is currently working on porting over his Oblivion- Centaur mod over to Skyrim.

Which I'm looking forward too. :) You can read up on here..

Da-Mage Centaur Project

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Has nobody still tried to make oblivion UI menu for Skyrim or just better UI. For Main menu, Tab, Stats.. Many people have more then complained on how poor the UI for Skyrim was and

how it may work fine on console version, but on the PC, it is endless life of searching and clicking and hoping your clicks work. Thought I'm sure (I hope) that menu has been fixed

by Bethesda by some there patch's by now. It STIL is ugly. I'd rather have Oblivion UI..


Somebody please see if they can make oblivion menu for Skyrim. Back in Jan/2012 I read pages on pages of how

bad Skyrim UI is and how it could be improved. So many had so many new and cool suggestions.. Yet only one I've seen is map ones and SkyUi..


Has anybody made anything?

Edited by centaurchester
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