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make bows,quivers and swords visible


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hi guys,


I was really dissapointed to see that bethesda still havent took the time to make the weapons your wearing visible on your character..

what I would like to have as a mod in Skyrim is to be able to see the sword I have as favourite to be visible on my character when I have my bow and quiver on my back.


in gothic 3 they did a great job with it,if you were wearing a sword on your back you still see the bow and quiver and I really miss that in Skyrim ( missed it in Oblivion too :( )


I enjoy playing with bows and swords but it looks kinda weird whenever I wield my sword that my bow just disapears in thin air .


I do hope you got my point on this( my english sucks :P ) and really hope to see this mod :D, I would be really thankful!


btw there was a glitch some time ago ( dont know what I did ) , I was wielding my bow and my sword was visible and sheated...

so it must be possible to create such a mod I guess.( I wish I could do it myself )


thanks for your time reading this and hope to see this mod very soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys,


I was really dissapointed to see that bethesda still havent took the time to make the weapons your wearing visible on your character..

what I would like to have as a mod in Skyrim is to be able to see the sword I have as favourite to be visible on my character when I have my bow and quiver on my back.


in gothic 3 they did a great job with it,if you were wearing a sword on your back you still see the bow and quiver and I really miss that in Skyrim ( missed it in Oblivion too :( )


I enjoy playing with bows and swords but it looks kinda weird whenever I wield my sword that my bow just disapears in thin air .


I do hope you got my point on this( my english sucks :P ) and really hope to see this mod :D, I would be really thankful!


btw there was a glitch some time ago ( dont know what I did ) , I was wielding my bow and my sword was visible and sheated...

so it must be possible to create such a mod I guess.( I wish I could do it myself )


thanks for your time reading this and hope to see this mod very soon!



so no one out there who could make such mod?

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