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Texture replacing in creation kit


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I remember in the Morrowind creation kit, and maybe the oblivion i cant remember, that in the armor menu, you could choose the mesh as well as the texture. so you could make a new armor, and use a dwarven armor mesh, and then use a different texture. it made adding retextured armors as separate armors very easy. but in the creation kit, it doesnt seem possible. is this really true? is there no way to do this? i of course know how to do this outside of the kit, but it would just be quicker and easier to do it in the kit... so yeah, any thoughts?
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You need to make a TextureSet under Miscellaneous. Diffuse is your standard texture, normal/gloss is your normal map etc.


You then need to open the Armor record and the ArmorAddon record associated with the item you want to change.


On Armor click the Edit button next to its World Model bit and double click next to the record/s that come up on the new model data window, you then find your TextureSet and it'll automatically change the displayed model.


In ArmorAddon it is the same thing, except you need to avoid applying your texture set to bits that aren't part of the armor (skin mostly).

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Hey Outlander,


I've done everything outlined above and I'm getting it to show up in the preview window when I add the texture set... problem is that the bloody thing isn't seeing my specular map. Everything looks like glossy vinyl. I checked off that it has a specular map and a normal map in the texture set... what am I missing here?

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