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3rd person glitch lives!


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Not quite the same as the old one but i randomly get bumped into third person, I can usually go right back but its very disturbing to my immersion since i play almost exclusively in 1st person. I have been fine tuning my mods for awhile now and i think i finally have the right mix. The whole gambit really but not overboard. Im at about 60 plugins. I was having CTD but never this issue so i saved my profile and wiped my folder, dropped in a clean vanilla skyrim folder and loaded up my profile. No more CTD at least, but this new bug. I'm really just asking if anyone else has had it, Than i will embellish the details.


and btw, i tried MO and while it is more stable it has too many loose ends for me. Its not finished....


Im going to try the same approach again but this time only adding a few at a time. but no redoes. I know what i want.... finally, lol

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