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Small Home With Plenty Displays?


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So I've been looking through the home's list on the site but haven't quite found a house that fits my exact needs. Aside from downloading and trying every house, was wondering if you guys could help out? I'm looking for a house similar to the wonderful Elysium Estate (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4119/?) that I have been using for a while.


What I would like similar to Elysium:

Easy to access forge and armory, no need to go through more than one loading screen

Forge, armory, crafting, enchanting, and alchemy were all in the same area

Forge is fully equipped. Smelter, skyforge, tanning rack, table, and grindstone all right next to each other with storage

Unique's display. Place to put up most if not all the special weapons. I also really liked the dagger and arrow displays.

Armory that did not look warehouse-like

Dragon mask, daedric artifacts, dragon claws, elder scroll, paragon, etc displays

Was not huge! I really liked the compact design of Elysium, that everything was very close together and accessible


What I would like different:

Needs more armor and weapon displays. Like a lot more

Would be nice if some of the unique items (like Ysgramor's spoon) were displayed in the armory instead of in a separate area

Did I mention more armor and weapon displays?


Looking forward to trying out some of your recommendations!

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I don't know if any of these will fit your specifications exactly, but Cynndal makes some really great houses that really feel like houses (not palaces or warehouses, if you know what I mean). I myself used Birchwood Manor in a prior play-through and thought it was a great house, with a separate armory plus a gallery in the house for armor, weapons, and uniques - including Ysgramor's spoon, ha.


Anyhow, you can maybe take a look through those and see if there are any that sound suitable.



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Aspen Manor. Over all a big estate, but the house it self is a nice size. You will have to buy it . In side is really well laid out and all in one cell. Smithing is out side under cover. Mod is on the Nexus Skyrim SE site. Quail call Manor another home, this one is not far from Dragons Bridge. lay out is a bit hmm to get around and it does have three separate cells so a lot of loading to wait through. It has not been ported to Skyrim SE yet. And for some thing a bit different there is the Island Hobbit home. I personally quite like this one. Small enough with all the thing you could ask for . This is also a Skyrim SE version. It is located between Riften and Iverstead on the shores of lake Honrich.

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