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Mod Size question


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So I had a question about what the size of a mod would be with 40 swords 1h and 2h and 4 daggers with 2 different textures, a boss and follower sword all with with 2k textures, 5 custom enchantments, a ring with I believe it is 1k texture, a custom forge (using vanilla mesh) and 200+ crafting and temper recipes, and placing 42-44 models in the world. What would roughly be the size of the mod?
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Skyrim is able to play with files just to 2 GB-Size (.esp, bsa, esm). It is a built-in-limit and there are no ways to go above this limit. This does not mean, that all used mods summoned up have to be under 2 GB, too... so it is possible to play with hundreds of mods (ok, you have to merge some to respect the other limit of 255 mods which skyrim is able to handle at the same time, only) and having a game-directory with over 200 GB (if you like it)... Just be sure, that no file is greater than 2 GB


And comparing your mentioned features with some heavy weapon-merged-mods, clothes-mods and so on you will not reach a tenth of this limit... just try it out

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