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Nukenin's mods still needed?


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The stealing bug was supposed to have been fixed by Bioware in Patch 1.04 (though I'm unsure whether that fix includes the floaty-text and tactics aspects of Nukenin's fix, as that is not mentioned in the patch notes: Fixed pick-pocketing. Characters were successfully stealing, but not receiving any items.).


The +Healing and Dog found-item bugs do not appear to have ever been officially addressed. (And I was still using all three of Nukenin's fixes in my install as of my final DAO run-through, just a few months ago.)

Edited by theskymoves
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The stealing bug was supposed to have been fixed by Bioware in Patch 1.04 (though I'm unsure whether that fix includes the floaty-text and tactics aspects of Nukenin's fix, as that is not mentioned in the patch notes: Fixed pick-pocketing. Characters were successfully stealing, but not receiving any items.).


The +Healing and Dog found-item bugs do not appear to have ever been officially addressed. (And I was still using all three of Nukenin's fixes in my install as of my final DAO run-through, just a few months ago.)

Thanks for the info

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