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Daedra Quest not working


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I've started an immersion game and it's been going good so far. However, I'm running into a problem. I started the Daedra quest in Falkreath and started following Barbaras, however, every time I reach a specific point in the world, just after you pass Pinewatch on the road leading NE of Falkreath, my game crashes and I have no idea what's causing it. Everything's been running rather smoothly and it's kind of starting to tick me off. The list of mods that I have installed are as follows:

Animated Prostitution

Northern Bathouses

UFO(Ultimate Follower Overhaul)

Achieve That!

Alternate Start

run for your lives

Stones of Barenziah quest markers

Animated dwemer lift doors


Bathing in Skyrim


Camping kit of the northern ranger

dead body collission fix

dirt textures for bathing in skyrim

disease descriptions for the immersive adventurer

Even better quest objectives

Frostfall 3.4

Gildegreen regrow

guard dialog overhaul


immersive patrols

immersive travel - fast travel disabler

learn alchemy from recipes

realistic needs and diseases

scenic carriages

see you sleep my madmole

showers in inns

skyrim - enhanced camera

wet and cold

alchemist compendium

Harvesu Overhaul

Heljarchen farm



Continuous chop wood

Craftable Arrows

Edhildils meridia statue

edhildils sexy azura statue

polished and sexy nocturnal statue

Sexy Mara Statue

Papyrus Util

Better males (faces)

Better males (nudes)


CBBE skin texture v2 v3 plus

CBBE body replacer

CBBE feminine argonian

natural grass texture

skyrim flora overhaul

static mesh improvement mod

ultimate spinning arrows

Civil war repairs

USLEP (ult legendary patch)

Helgen reborn

ish's souls to perks

item recycling

quality world map and solstheim map

categorized favourites menu

kenmod time on loading screen


elemental arrows


Any information regarding this little hiccup in the game would be greatly appreciated.

Also, any additional mods that would help with immersion that are compatible with the ones listed above will be helpful towards this playthrough of the game.


Thank you




This now not only happens during the quest.

Edited by bombdetenation
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