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Novice problems with Papyrus script


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Hey forumese!


I got an idea of Zombiemod in Skyrim and I've been trying to make zombie disease people when they hit'em.


So what is it I want to do, Zombie hits actor, actor gets sick with disease and it changes it faction to ZombieFaction.


Here is my little test code for it:


Scriptname ZombieDeseaseScript extends Actor
{This should turn target to Zombie!}

Faction Property ZombieFaction Auto
Spell property ZombieSpell Auto

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \
 bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
int ran = Utility.RandomInt(0, 0)
if ran == 0
	Actor target = Self.GetCombatTarget()
	;Debug.MessageBox("New Zombie!")


I know event is wrong and stuff.. But I would like to do it way that zombie hits and an enemy gets faction changed. How?


ps. Sorry for my bad english :)





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I'm pretty sure the OnHit event is for the actor whom the script is applied to, so if it's applied to the zombie, it will trigger when the zombie is hit.

I know this and said it already... Is there a way to activate script when actor attacks? Why factions changes does not work for me?

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