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Vault 88 mods & power mods drop fps


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I just wanted to let the rest of u guys know if u are going to work on vault 88 with mods for more space and power radius mods it will make your fps drop in vault 88 but also in city's.


I just tested this with and with out the mods ( difrent mods to test if its the mod or just all of those mods ) and i gave me a difrence of 25 to 45 fps if i had the mods on.

So i am prety shure now that most of the mods that do stuff against vault 88 and mods for power will break the game on the range of fps.


Greetz headhunter

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That's interesting. I installed a power radius mod for Vault 88 but in practice I never use it since I use Tiny Generators. In my game when I try to go anywhere near Ticondegra or Monsignor Plaza my game freezes then crashes. I will have to look for the mod and try uninstalling it.

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