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Dwemer Animunculis.


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Iv had a few ideas but ill post them separate depending on the feedback from this one.

Ok my first idea is similar to the fallout mods that let you package and place turrets and robots using the same concept only with the Dwemer Animunculis (Centurions Spiders and Sphere's)


-The ability to summon or create Dwemer followers, not actual companions but like a permanent summon (its there till it dies).

-Use the different Dwemer scrap metal, dynamo cores, etc to make the different Centurions Spiders and Sphere's.

-(stealth) The ability to shut down the different Dwemer Animunculis when sneaking close enough to them.

-(Smithing) Being able to upgrade there Armour with more plate metal or dwarven ingots.

Edited by BlackIceWarrior
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I don't know if it is possible to add a new summoning spell, but creating an army of Animunculi by spending resources should be possible. I miss my Animunculi guards from Tel Uvirith, especially the Sphere Centurions.

Now where to build the Animunculi factory...

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I Was thinking someone could add a factory right in Malacath since theres a whole dwemer city underneath they could add the factory in there and quests to fix up the factory with the guy that studys the dwemer ruins, then maybe even have the machines help defend the city (Would Work wonders with my open cities mod)
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