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Star Wars Overhaul (request)


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I think that Skyrim would make a perfect platform for a Star Wars mod total conversion. I think that with what is already made, it wouldn't take as much work as some other total conversions would.


There's a spell system that can obviously be used for force powers, with magicka being the "Force Bar" to limit force usage. The magicka sabers could be used (with permission of course). Blasters can be made by replacing the bow, and having the arrows replaced with lasers. The most difficult part about making a star wars total conversion would be the massive amount of mapping, and the many armors and weapons that would have to be made, as well as the new races. I'm also no sure how intergalactic travel could be implemented without a complete overhaul of the current map/fast travel system. But I think that in general the scripting currently in skyrim would allow for a smooth transition into the star wars universe.


One of the more difficult scripting/animation things would be overhauling the combat system to have lightsabers make effective blocks against blasters, and to make jedi/sith duels more interesting and challenging than just hacking and slashing. But I really do think that a star wars mod would be a great project, and an awesome game.


Please share your ideas and hopes for such a mod (if you have any). It would be kick ass if some modders decided to make a star wars overhaul, but till then, share your ideas for quest lines, weapons, fighting systems, ect.


And on a final note, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, or, possibly, The Old Republic?

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Interesting... BUT you want something hitech in a medieval setting...All the changes that needs to be done are practically all the game assets...ALL. I can't see anybody doing this amount of work....A set of armor from SW can be done, but this.....i dont think so. Sorry for my opinion!
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Don't be sorry for your opinion. You definitely bring up a valid point. The way I personally think it should be done is a bit like you said. Release an armor pack, then later release a blaster pack, then maybe later release a thing that changes the civil war into Empire vs Rebels. A complete overhaul might be out of reach, but over time I think a smaller overhaul is possible.
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  On 2/9/2012 at 1:39 PM, TheFurMan said:

Don't be sorry for your opinion. You definitely bring up a valid point. The way I personally think it should be done is a bit like you said. Release an armor pack, then later release a blaster pack, then maybe later release a thing that changes the civil war into Empire vs Rebels. A complete overhaul might be out of reach, but over time I think a smaller overhaul is possible.


What you said here makes sense now. Good luck with your request!

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Great post, I was thinking this myself!

Since the lightsaber mod, along with force powers and darth maul paint etc, I've been imagining what a total conversion would be like...

We have lightsabers and force powers, and with a bit more tweaking and perhaps later on new animations, jedi/sith combat mechanics would be complete!

Flintlock pistol mods have come out, and with tweaking of that I'm sure that laser blasters etc could be made!

Armours and other weapons shouldn't be so hard to make, as vibroswords, cortosis shields and knives etc can be done conventionally, as well as armour sets.

The big job would be in building of cities and other environments, as well as quests, settings etc.

But if MERP can do it for LOTR, then a starwars mod shouldn't be impossible either!

Problem is, you need a dedicated team of expert modders who are able to work together for years...

I say, lets start with seeing more lightsaber/blaster mods and Star Wars armours, and see where it goes from there :P

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If you want a cool ideea, then read! What about to make a mod with Star Wars action, but in a medieval setting...Action happening in the medieval ages of SW....With ancient Sith's and all that things. Doing this, you won't be requied to change all Skyrim for a mod....
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