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Feature creep isn't really a valid point when you look at how pointless marriage is right now and how useless being a vampire or werewolf is.


Some of these features really should of been added really as bug fixes honestly. Marriage is so pointless you need something to fix it. Same thing with vampires and werewolves.


Its not feature creep when you add in a feature and never expand on it or make it useful.


I don't know. Before fixing your pet peeves, I would like to see the more mundane aspects of life in Skyrim fleshed out. I want a starvation mechanic that weakens and eventually kills you. I want to get my character drunk and watch him stumble around. Then when he passes out, I want to actually SEE HIM GET INTO BED. But does that really mean food, alcohol or sleep are unfinished?


Marriage, vampirism, werewolves, they serve their purpose. That is, they add the illusion of depth and give RP'ers something to hook into. Would it be nice if there was more to it? Sure! But as far as the project goes none of this stuff is incomplete.

I still think it would have been fine if they just extended the release date to expand on existing features. I mean vampires are really bad, and werewolves don't have much purpose because you can't use your inventory. It is easier to kill people with the ability to heal with magic and potions.


Some of the things in the video are not needed, but things like a expansion on marriage and some other features would have been good.


I personally think they should of put in a hardcore mode like FONV as well. I think mod makers can do that fine, not sure how well mod makers can balance werewolves, vampires, and marriage though.

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"We can do anything, we just can't do everything."


Honestly, How is a giant mud crab going to fit into lore?


Those all may be great Ideas and additions to the game, but i feel that they would make more sense as mods, being optional downloads.



How many times do I have to say this when people go on about 'lore'?!






Seriously, lore's pretty much out of the picture when you've got flying dragons plucking people from the ground.

Not to mention the whole 'Daedric' thing, and other stupid magical creatures.

Giant mudcrabs would fit in perfectly. ;)


Confusing lore with real world, are we?

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Marriage, vampirism, werewolves, they serve their purpose. That is, they add the illusion of depth and give RP'ers something to hook into. Would it be nice if there was more to it? Sure! But as far as the project goes none of this stuff is incomplete.


Yeah, it gave me illusion of depth before I tried the game, after it only gives me royal annoyance being useless crap...

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I want these thing in DLC or patch! They should share this as free DLC (but not pack of everything because few ideas are destroying Skyrim climate) I want almost all of there things! Bethesda please make a DLC with them.
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I was honestly thinking about that video today and honestly the only thing I think should have been originally in the game (and at the same time the only one of those things they SHOULD actually release in a dlc imo) is horse combat.


I mean...as far as horses go, they took the trouble to design them, put them in the game, make quests involving them or even about them (Frost) but their use is severely handicapped by the fact that you can't hit anything from horseback. Every time I get attacked I have dismount, wait for a dismounting animation that's considerably too long, and then frantically try to save my horse from death (pre-Shadowmere at least I mean). And you get attacked ALL the time when you're running around.


That's it though. Spears? might be fun to look at but they won't seriously impact combat in any way and it's not like we don't have enough weapon styles or power atm. Giant mudcrab/vampires and other bosses? I'm happy with the amount of different monsters we have now, it's not that huge of a deal.


Dragon mounts would be a significant change, but considering how late in the main story you get Odahviing and how easy it is to survive on the surface most of the time, I think it would be overpowered. Also if you could fly around from place to place instead of walking and exploring the old fashioned way, you might not find as many things (which would be a good reason NOT to put this in from the start). Not to mention the difficulties with physics that all of this would entail. Certainly not easily doable. I mean heck, as far as physics goes, they've had trouble even with implementing a bug-free jumping function, nevermind flying around and possibly aerial combat.


What I would personally like to see in a future DLC is a considerable improvement of NPC AI and dialogue along with more complicated quests. That's what kills the mood for me, tbh. When NPCs fail to react to the progress I've made in the game and still give me the same tired old lines or when most quests are something like "go there, kill everybody, loot everything, come back with item x" with no dialogue, cutscenes, special bosses to fight or any changes in the environment around me, that's when I don't feel the fun anymore:(

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I mean...as far as horses go, they took the trouble to design them, put them in the game, make quests involving them or even about them (Frost) but their use is severely handicapped by the fact that you can't hit anything from horseback. Every time I get attacked I have dismount, wait for a dismounting animation that's considerably too long, and then frantically try to save my horse from death (pre-Shadowmere at least I mean). And you get attacked ALL the time when you're running around.


That's it though. Spears? might be fun to look at but they won't seriously impact combat in any way and it's not like we don't have enough weapon styles or power atm.


If you had horse combat you would need to have some kind of anti-horse combat, spears maybe or more likely pikes/halberds.


Dragon mounts would be a significant change, but considering how late in the main story you get Odahviing and how easy it is to survive on the surface most of the time, I think it would be overpowered. Also if you could fly around from place to place instead of walking and exploring the old fashioned way, you might not find as many things (which would be a good reason NOT to put this in from the start). Not to mention the difficulties with physics that all of this would entail. Certainly not easily doable. I mean heck, as far as physics goes, they've had trouble even with implementing a bug-free jumping function, nevermind flying around and possibly aerial combat.



Not to mention that all of the walled cities like Whiterun, Solitude etc. would HAVE to be moved from their own worldspaces and into the Tamriel worldspace to allow you to fly over/into them.

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