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Request: Dwemer Spectacles "Reborn"


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So, back in Oblivion a modder named Kafei made a mod named "Dwemer Spectacles" giving our poor near, or far sighted heroes their much needed glasses. Now I hope that this is not a repost, and I'd like to assure you that I've searched both the forums and the mod section for similar mods. Sadly I've foudn none at all (it's possible that they are out there but they are just hiding from me -_-).

Hence I've come here to request a similar mod, preferably using another armor slot then helmets (giving us a chance to freely combine hats, hoods and spectacles ;))


Kafei's Mod:


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i TOTALLY concur. This is a wonderful way to have nighteye, detect life, and new "find <blank>" effects for characters. its even lore friendly-ish. magic enchanted glasses, why not?


needs to happen, someone get on it, you'll be a demi-god. Thanks!

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