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Emergent behavior without Dangerous Minds


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Simply put, there should be a mod to make it possible to do the "Emergent Behavior" Quest for Curie without having done the Quest "Dangerous Minds". Should just be have the "Emergent Behavior" quest not check whether "Dangerous Minds" is completed.

Thanks in advance,



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  • 9 months later...

Sorry for the necropost, but I am also very interested in this. Curie is my favorite companion, and I always put off actually getting her until I'm ready to do this quest, which is to say until I've progressed the story enough to do the quest. The problem with that is that I frequently get so caught up doing so many other things before I do anything related to story that in some of my "dead end" playthroughs I simply never even visit Vault 81 to get Curie in the first place.

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  • 1 month later...

Simply put, there should be a mod to make it possible to do the "Emergent Behavior" Quest for Curie without having done the Quest "Dangerous Minds". Should just be have the "Emergent Behavior" quest not check whether "Dangerous Minds" is completed.

Thanks in advance,



I'm actually shocked this hasn't gotten much attention. It should be an easy fix. Wouldn't even have to edit curie herself(risking mod conflicts), you would just lift the block on quest advancement for this mission itself. Something I think command consoles do

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