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Immersive Lighting of NPC + Dynamic Stealth?


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Hey guys, I was just wondering if it was safe to use the lighting extension of Immersive Detection of NPC with Dynamic Stealth.


I'm asking because apparently, IDoN is not safe to use, according to the Dangerous Mods List, but nothing was mentioned of its extension: "Immersive Lighting of NPC"


Anyway, it would be a great help to me if anyone could answer my question; Is it safe to use 'em both together?



HotDog :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not sure if you will even read this, but just in case. Do not in any circumstances use any module of the immersive detection of the npcs. Just don't. If you really want to, you can use dynamic stealth by itself, but it has a bug where it won't properly reset when switching between exterior and interior cells and vice versa, and I simply find it tedious to constantly check the mcm and reset the mod. And yes, the mod is still in beta, but you don't expect the official release until The Elder Scrolls 6 is released, alongside the official release of Spectra ENB by the same author. Instead, try the lite version of Realistic AI detection http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74355/?

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