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Changing Size turns Lydia into a Pugilist!!


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Here's a new one... I changed Lydia slightly with the CK. After making her slightly smaller, 0.96 vs 1.0, she would no longer equip any shield or weapon. Strange seeing her try to punch out a dragon... After some troubleshooting I found it was the size change that did it.


I'm not flaming Bethesda, it's a great game after all, but so far it has been quite frustrating that changes to things like textures, npc size and inventory are all meeting with resistance from the game engine. Other Bethesda titles have been much easier to mod, at least for me. Hopefully these issues aren't going to be permanent. Also, I'm really hoping someone comes up with a fix for npc's always reverting to their default inventory when they aren't actively following the player. Sheesh, what were they thinking!


Anyway, I know it's early, so I'll try to be patient. Just issuing a bug report about the size change issue and doing a little venting at the same time.

Edited by merroe
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