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Adding vampiric effect (minor heal with melee hits)...

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I am trying to make some perks such as vampiric effect (minor heal with successful melee attack or kill).

And another perk that increases DR only when equipping melee weapons.


I added a spell that heals 10 for 1 second on self, and linked the ability to the vampire perk and check weapon type here.

But I can't make the condition work correctly.

They tend to be constant effect despite I set the conditions already.


So if you want to do this, how will you implement it?

I am using FO4Edit.




EDIT: on hit seems to be op with certain weapons, so I want to know how to make it trigger on kill, thanks.

Edited by hydralisk_mk2
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With magic effects and some scripts, yes, it's very possible. Even with Apply Combat Hit Spell with right conditions it should work.


You said you linked the ability to "vampire perk", I gotta say I have no idea what that is? You mean cannibal? That works on Activate I believe, when you click on the corpses. So yeah it's going to be constant effect if you just apply the spell there.


Try Apply combat hit spell with melee weapon conditions. You need to make your spell to --> spell, contact, fire and forget and then make new perk Apply combat hit spell and select your spell.

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I found bloodbug has a vampire spell but it seems to be a fire and forget spell instead of triggering on hit since I don't see any combat hit references that spell...


How about the effect that triggers on kill?

I tried to find what's in nerd rage 3, but didn't find the heal from kill yet.


And how to add some buffs (such as speed and DR buffs) when equipping melee weapons?

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Okay, I know what you mean. It's called Bloodbugheal.


I had a brain error in my combat spell advice. Instead of "Contact", you must make it "Self" so it heals player, not the enemy. Fire and forget spells work fine with apply combat hit spells. If you put duration 1, it will trigger on hit and heal xx amount for 1 seconds.


For bloodbugs, it's most likely paired with the animation --> do animation --> cast that spell and heal. You should be able to get similiar effect to player by using Apply Combat Hit Spell and put conditions there.


Nerdrage perk 1 adds Ability to player with conditions GetHealthPercent <= 0.20. Nerdrage Slow effect script also has this on it to heal on kill:

Event OnKill(Actor akVictim)
	If game.GetPlayer().HasMagicEffect(SlowTimeEffect) == true && game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(NerdRage03) == true
		Game.GetPlayer().RestoreValue(Health, HealAmount)

Q: And how to add some buffs (such as speed and DR buffs) when equipping melee weapons?


A: Make a spell ability, make a perk and choose ability and give it conditions(in the spell window) WornHasKeyword WeaponTypeMelee1h OR WeaponTypeMelee2h OR WeaponTypeUnarmed.


Then, in the spell ability, choose "fortify damage resistance". or "FortifyXXX", there should be one or two for Speed too. Make sure it's constant effect and magic effect has "recover" flag, most of the vanilla "FortifyXXX" have this flag already. Give all the effects in your spells those same melee conditions.

Edited by vkz89q
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Q: And one noob question, how do I check the detailed preexist scripts only using FO4edit?


A: I don't know. I use creation kit. Maybe someone else knows?



For unarmed.. hmmh IronFist02 perk adds Disarm combat hit spell for unarmed in vanilla game. I have not tried if it works without weapon(just using bare fists). Bare fists do have WeaponTypeUnarmed keyword, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you.


You can TRY making new perk just for Unarmed and copy conditions from IronFist02. Conditions, Weapon, HasKeyword WeaponTypeUnarmed == 1.

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Oh, in my current mod I'm working, Ghouls and Yao Guais have no problem doing combat hit spells with their unarmed weapon.. so you might want to check your conditions again.


Edit: I have the spells in their race data tab, since they have new races. There it's possible to select different combat hit spells for every attack.

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There must be something wrong with my steps:


1.Add a new perk "vampire".

2.Add a spell "health drain" (spell , fire and forget, self, and its effect is RestoreHealthGeneric magnitude 10, 1 second).

3.Set the vampire perk's effect to "entry point, which I set to "Apply combat spell". And the function I set to "select spell".

4.Set the function parameter: type=spell, spell = health drain.

5.Set conditions of the perk (the perk doesn't work even I removed all conditions) :/

Edited by hydralisk_mk2
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My bad. You can't use Apply Combat Hit Spell + Self.


Here is how to do perk that heals you, when you hit enemy with melee weapon or bare fists:


Make a spell:

Type: Spell, fire and forget, contact. Select effect there "BloodBugDrainHealthEffect", magnitude xx, duration 0-xx (0 will be instant).


Make a perk:

Apply combat hit spell. Select your new spell.


IMPORTANT: you need to run the conditions on weapon tab. Otherwise unarmed will not work.


Conditions Weapon: HasKeyword WeaponTypeMelee1h OR WeaponTypeMelee2h OR WeaponTypeUnarmed.


Thats it. I just tested it and it works. WornHasKeyword don't seem to work for bare fists for some reason but running the same keyword on weapon works :huh:

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