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Question about Mod Managers


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Hey everyone


I love MO and prefer that over NMM. However, I have heard that Tannin, the one behind MO, is not going to update the manager to work for Skyrim SE, and has instead teamed up with the NMM team. I also just now found out that a group of people took over the task with bringing MO to SE, but that they won't post any updates about the process until they know which route the new NMM team will go.


So my question is if there is any place I can check the progress of the new NMM and maybe see a list of features it will have or are planned to have? What I really want to know is how different they will be in terms of Mod Managers since MO was quite unique in that it installed all the mods in a separate folder so as to not mess with the original Data folder and whether or not I can expect a similar feature in the new NMM or if it will be mostly the same as the one now.

I didn't really know where to post a question like this but this seemed like the appropriate place to ask. If anyone could direct me then I'd be grateful.



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Skyrim SE is in general a more stable game than Oldrim. The mods will eventually grow and I'm on Windows 10, which means if I were to go back to Oldrim, I would have to deal with the 4GB VRAM limit for Dx9 games. That's not something to worry about too much but it's just something that bothers me personally. Also, the reason I'm not playing right now is that a couple of weeks ago, I encountered a problem I could not solve. I got CTD every time I tried loading a save where I was outside. Loading a save when I was in an interior was fine, but once I went outside - instant CTD. I tinkered around and managed to dodge the problem for a few minutes but it always came back. So since SE is supposed to be more stable overall, I'm going to wait to play that. But I won't start until I find a Mod Manager I am comfortable with.

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