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Adding new beasts & monsters with the CK ?


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Well haven't tested it in the game yet, but have gotten my Stonecrabs working in the CK .. had to mod 10+ different things so far. Started by typing crab in the filter and then going to All at the bottom in object window. This brought up all records associated with mudcrabs, which based these off. 1st thing changed was the 'naked' ARMA record (refs the nif here), then did the ARMO and then created a new race record. Other records end up touching are:



SPEL .. if creature has, crabs have water breathing and for giant extra damage (mod'd this last one since making a bigger crab).

INGR .. if get such when kill the thing .. for crab this is yes.

NPC .. for each version and a LvL record .. I did 3 diff crabs so had more then 1 entry in a lot of the record areas.

Leveled Actor ... for who/what shows up when place the M on the map, had some issues with this in terms of getting alt levels to work so made everything the same level and worked, have to do more work here.

Leveled Item .. If have a treasure that is called when the dude dies .. in addition to the ingredient.

Load screen .. Description and pix of the thing.


Again if multiple variants then would have to do more ARMA, NPC packages, and Armors at minimum. Now I could have missed some things won't know until test in game but the list is all the really modable records found so far. If need more detail let me know and will try to gt back to u on this but I am sure others have better grasp then this and will chime in eventually.

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More tedious as it is a big matter of org and book keeping (i hated that at work and still hate it, paid good though) .. as the records tie into each other and so have to connect the dots in the things. I'll probably post the crab esp in a couple days after place a few M spots on the map just for testing, know gonna place one variant in the hot springs area of the map .. after all they have a stone like skin and the heat won't bother them.
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