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NCR City War Front and Cassidy Caravans Re-established


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NCR City War Front:


In this mod, you participate in a campaign in which you work with the NCR to take over a large city set in a different worldspace while fighting an opposing army.


The mod comes with a territory capturing system in which you can move a small unit of NCR soldiers (which you need to keep as many of them alive as possible) throughout the city to clear out and capture buildings and campsites so they can establish more ground. Every once in the while however, enemies will attack these territories and if you choose not to help, they have a random chance of capturing it for themselves.


Food and Medicine will also play a factor in the NCR's effectiveness throughout the campaign, you can either send out a unit of NCR soldiers to forage for them or you can find and deliver them back to the bases yourself


The campaign ends when which ever side manages to take over the city completely.



Cassidy Caravans Re-established:


The purpose of this mod is to help Cass restore her Caravan company to it's former glory and you can even help her make deliveries throughout the wasteland as her guard. Whether you want to go all out and make this a big company like the Crimson Caravans or not is up to you

Edited by Aromov
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