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Importing meshes/textures into CK


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Is it any differnt now?


I'm working on an Archery Overhaul mod and currently I am making a silver arrow. (will deal extra damage to werewolves.) After I have the texture/mesh complete how do I get it into the construction kit.


Also how would I make it craftable? When making a recipe currently it already has a drop down box with things that are avaliable to be crafted.

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You need to put the mesh and texture in folders inside Skyrim/Data - the CK will find them there and they are selectable when making items.


For the recipe, first you need to create your object (copy an existing arrow and work from there) - then you should find yours in the recipe pull-down.

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Alright thanks man.


You may know this. What setting determines where an item goes according to it's crafting category? Currently my arrows i made craftable all go to the Misc folder. Not iron or anything.


What bout objects that are not in the drop down that are in the vanilla game?


One example is the rusty arrow, it's in game but not in the drop down.


I'm off now to learn about nif scope and 3dsmax and everything. Having a feeling it's going to be a long day.

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