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Is there a maximum # of monsters you can spawn before the game bugs out?


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I have ASIS, Immersive Creatures, and all Wench mods installed. I went into a dungeon with Draguar and, somehow, I got flooded with a ton of mini spiders, Wenches, Draguar summoning Wenches, Wenches sumoning Draguar.


The game crashed on me numerous times as I was trying to plow my way through everything. I had 3 followers with me that also bugged out at one point and stopped attacking (I had to zone in and out to fix this).


And honestly, aside from the crashing, it was really fun and challenging.


Does anyone know if Skyrim crashing from a s#*! ton of monsters is a normal thing? There were literally so many monsters I had some popping out behind me when there was nothing there before.

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