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Is it possible to have individual meshes fade at different distances?

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One of the biggest performance hogs in the game is the elevated highway. Some of its smaller chunks have triangle counts of 36,000, while some of its longer ones are around 62,000. This is about 10-20 times more expensive than a single three story building, and to compound matters, the different parts of these massive chunks do not self occlude well at all. There are tends of thousands of triangles being spent on chunks of concrete and rubble that are unnoticeable unless the player is much closer than the LOD fade distance.


Is there any way of changing when the parts of the meshes fade out in the Creation Kit or with Nifskope? My alternative is to just start cutting highway pieces into chunks in a modeling program, but I'd very much prefer not to do that.

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BSLODTriShape hides parts of geometry depending on distance, but you'll need editing in 3dsmax and later tweaking with NifSkope to make it work. Not the easiest task.

Edited by zilav
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BSLODTriShape hides parts of geometry depending on distance, but you'll need editing in 3dsmax and later tweaking with NifSkope to make it work. Not the easiest task.


They're already BSMeshLODTriShape nodes, fortunately, and the LOD values themselves are pretty well optimized. The problem is that they just don't seem to fade out soon enough. Is there any setting that can be changed to adjust this in the .nif?

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