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Better Vampires


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vampires can sometimes suck. i want more advantages (and disadvantages to even it out)

vampiric drain:

stage one: drain 6 points per second

stage two: drain 7 points per second

stage three: drain 8 points per second

stage four: drain 10 points per second

costs 5 magika per second


30% harder to detect when sneaking


frost resist:

30% stage 1

55% stage 2

80%stage 3

100% stage 4


fire weakness

30% stage 1

45% stage 2

65% stage 3

75% stage 4


champion of the night

illusion 25% stronger (same)


vampires servant

(keep same)


vampires seduction

(keep same)


embrance of shadows

make 90 seconds and makes a hearable sound , but can used multiple times a day (still stage 4 only)


vampires sight

(keep same)


make all destruction spells do more damage and cost less


sneak attacks do 25% more


one handed is 25% better


speechcraft 15% worse


can paralyze an enemy once a day (stage 4)


35 less health during day

40 less stamina during day


20 everything ( magika stamina health) during night


if anyone makes this, please please please post into steam workshop and message me steam name [MFU]FomaingMutton

Edited by FoamingMutton
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Vampires are a bit lacking compared to the beast mode but they no longer die in sunlight like they did in Oblivion


On-Topic of mod:to have a powerfull upgrade like that would be fun tho


off-topic of mod:I dont think i could use such a thing without dieing in sunlight(like oblivion) or i would feel to powerfull would be cool to see a mod tho where you die in sunlight but can sitll walk in the day if remaing in the shadows or takeing less dmg wearing a hooded robe

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