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Marriage and Followers fleshed out...


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Personally I feel like these are the two elements of the game that show the most promise concerning potential mods. I really appreciate that they were included on the vanilla game but found them both to be underwhelming and limited. With the CK out now, what would you like to see the more experienced modders implement into these two elements of the game?


I'd like to see deeper character development of potential marriage and follower candidates, giving them more personality and making them seem more individualistic. Something along the depth of Dragon Age companions, making you actually care about the characters.


Questlines that draw from the lore of the character's backstory would be awesome!


I'd also like to see modders take advantage of the radiant story arc with ideas like your wife getting assaulted, kidnapped for ransom, or even murdered (while framing the player character).


Tweeks to the follower system would be appreciated too. iMore customization. Being able to Customize their appearance, fighting style, and give more specific commands like stealth attack and ranged attack.


Obviously adding a multiple feature would be nice too.


Btw, I have no idea how to do any of this stuff but am hoping someone talented enough might be encouraged to implement the things they read hear.


Who else has ideas?

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Appearence, inventory and behavior can already be changed since the NPC editor was released a long time ago. Otherwise i aree, the vanilla companions lack a great amount of personality. However, lliama (the creator of the amazing "Willow - a better companion experience" mod from the Nev Vegas nexus) is already considering to create another companion mod for Skyrim. Referring to her she is about to be similar to Willow in many ways, but it wont be the same amazing character. So hope and pray, she will do us the favor. If she does there will be no more need for improved vanilla companions :dance:
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