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New Race: Anubian


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Yep, the name pretty much says it all. This guy.


If this were done I'd probably cry. And then love the creator for eternity.


Also, if this is done I'll do my damnedest to make a giant exterior Egyptian cell.


I'm new to modding, but by god I'll do it.



I second this. :thumbsup:

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If whoever runs the tutorials at the Creation Kit Wiki website would expand their tuts and explain how to create new races I would be more than happy to oblige your request and would appreciate the fitting exterior cell.

There's been a recent release... Unique beasts I think it's called? Supposedly makes it easier to make more unique body types, so that might really help out. Given that tool and someone who knows how to mesh (Because I have no friggin' idea), it'd be pretty awesome, I think. Lemme know if Unique Beasts helps at all!

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If whoever runs the tutorials at the Creation Kit Wiki website would expand their tuts and explain how to create new races I would be more than happy to oblige your request and would appreciate the fitting exterior cell.

There's been a recent release... Unique beasts I think it's called? Supposedly makes it easier to make more unique body types, so that might really help out. Given that tool and someone who knows how to mesh (Because I have no friggin' idea), it'd be pretty awesome, I think. Lemme know if Unique Beasts helps at all!

Can't seem to find what you're referring to. Would you kindly post a link to it?

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I don't believe that's what either of us are looking for. Those modders seem so know considerably more about this than I do however and you may want to contact them to make this request. Good luck, hope you are successful in this endeavor.

Ack, my mistake then. I must've misunderstood what it was about. Sorry, but I appreciate your words!

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