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Space core modify


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wouldn't it be awesome if somebody modded the space core to look like wheatly the blue eyed one lol or even give it his voice and dialog or even give it the multiplayer robot off portal 2's body that would be sweeet to have a little robot companion oh yea also portal gun
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There actually is a difference. The mods you mentioned are literally "handmade" look-alike "copies" of the real things, not already existing files that exist in another game. The problem with the voice files of Wheatley (or however his name is spelled) is that they would be needed to be taken directly from the portal 2 files, instead of making custom voice files of your own that are "alike" the real thing. So yeah, that would be going against the copyright law, and therefor be illegal.
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I'm pretty certain that they've already been asked before, and turned it down. The thing with CD Project I mentioned, Dark0ne himself sent them a mail asking if it was fine.

Besides, considering the fact that Valve and Bethesda worked together to get the steam workshop out and all, I would imagine that they would have thought about this matter beforehand and would have come out and said if it was ok before anyone asked. If you're so interested in finding out, personally, then why don't any of you guys that want this mod mail them yourselves? I'm just saying that I personally don't think they'll allow it, but I have been wrong before.

I'm not "shooting down the idea entirely", I'm warning you people of doing something before you're entirely sure if it is illegal or not.

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