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Throwing Weapons Knives Darts and Stars (from Morrowind)


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There Were a number of throwable weapons in Morrowind Can Anyone Bring Them to Skyrim along with the animations and tie them into the Marksman Skill?

And make them craftable as well?


I Think This Is The Full List


Iron Throwing Knife

Chitin Throwing Star

Steel Throwing Knife

Steel Dart

Steel Throwing Star

Silver Throwing Star

Glass Throwing Knife

Glass Throwing Star

Ebony Dart

Ebony Throwing Star

Daedric Dart


And If someone good at making textures and stuff could make the missing items.


Iron Throwing Star

Iron Throwing Dart

Silver Throwing Knife

Silver Throwing Dart

Glass Throwing Dart

Ebony Throwing Knife

Daedric Throwing Knife

Daedric Throwing Star

Dwemer Throwing Knife

Dwemer Throwing Dart

Dwemer Throwing Star


And maybe even add some throwin hatchets and stuff.

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