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Fix the field scribe had and BoS uniform hat please


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I extracted these things with bae and took a look at them in nifskope2 latest build and the field scribe hat looks fine but in game the neck portion clips through ANYTHING except the field scribe outfit. The BoS uniform hat looks like it shrunk up in the washer and dryer. The neck is too short it should slightly overlap the uniform neck and not clip through anything else. I think I know what is going on but don't know the details of it all. I use the very top of the body scaling triangle in the character menu so my character is lookin like super man no fat and none of that skinny guy stuff nope he looks like he served in the army. Because of this the scaling of anything that character wears is stretched way far out for example heavy combat armor arm pauldrons go all horizontal because the shoulder muscles are increased and I think this affects the neck area too so things like the field scribe hat get stretched out at the base of the neck. There must be a variable somewhere to fix this stuff for the field scribe hat maybe bone data? but the BoS uniform hat/hood whatever is really screwed up. Can someone fix these two things?

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