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Creation kit, and cell changes


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Sometimes when I look at another cell to get an idea for the one I am currently working on, I'm not sure if I have changed anything there or not, and I don't want to be messing up any other cells. So I anytime I check out another cell, I paranoidly close down the CK and restart. Is there any way to do like "new document" from word or something. Like an undo all changes and take me back to start without having to close down the program? Because the CK never closes properly for me. It ALWAYS, and i mean at least 50 times by now, crashed and has to be shut down with the task manager.
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You can also go to File->Data in the CK, select your mod, and click Details. This will list the changes. Whatever you don't want, just select and hit the Delete key to tag it as 'Ignore'; the next time you load that mod in CK and then save it, whatever is flagged as Ignore will disappear and be 'deleted' from your mod.
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I think that's the real answer we wanted zenkmander.


hi got a rotten cell i destroyed in my mod file, but i can't sem to use either the ignore or tessnip. i can use tessnip to remove the cell references , but as soon as i load it ck it pops right back.. if i use the ignore the references are never removed.

any ideas.

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  • 1 year later...

I have teh same problem with a big part of Hjerim missing when i load my mod. Both in the Creation Kit and In-Game. Without Mod it's fine. BUt it is not listed as modified cell in my mod and ignoring it won't help, i can't delete it because i get a error message for it, and generally nothing seems to work.


Edit: Solved the problem.


What you have to do:

1. Many Things, all missing things by me, where moved to a different cell, a completely custom cell in my case, upon deleting the cell they were in. If you have custom cells, check if there are any things that are not supposed to be there. If they are, delete them.


2. Open the details of the plugin, like described above. Click on the "D" all the way up, and scroll untill you find the list of all vanilla things deleted by you. Select all of them and press delete. It asks if you want to ignore them. Clock yes and next to the D there will be a I.


3. Load the Plugin in the Creation Kit, save it, close the creation kit.


Done. Now everything should be fine again.

Edited by Eskchan
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