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Enchanting and Dragon


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First of I got 2 things I'm wondering about.

My mainly:

Is it possible too make a mod that can remove enchantments from a item u've enchanted (because u've enchanted wrong) so the item U want enchanted can be enchanted again? Would be great if it was possible. :)


and second of and prob what a lot of ppl wondering about I think :P

Is it possible too get a mod were u can either ride a dragon or rather possible too BECOME a dragon so u can fly around in skyrim? :)

Me and a friend of mine was wondering about this one.


If possible of any of these 2 requests let me know the minute it can be done hehe.


There are maybe some other people mentioning this but hard too find them in all all of the topics about modding. So I hope maybe someone sees this subscr. :)

Edited by tharalt
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