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Modded Skyrim drive letter has changed. Please help.


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So I have a very heavily modded Skyrim that I haven't played in a little while because I pushed the GFX too far and my old GPU couldn't handle it very well. I just installed a new GPU and also got a SSD which I reinstalled Windows 10 64 bit fresh on. I did not wipe my old HDD that contains the modded Skyrim but that HDD is no longer my primary drive, the new SSD is. So my HDD with modded Skyrim used to be the C:\ drive but is now a secondary D:\.


Nothing about the drive has changed at all except Windows no longer runs off of it and it is now the D drive instead of the C drive. So my question is, how can I reinstall or fix my modded Skyrim to run on what is now my D drive without reinstalling all of my mods and re-customizing everything? It took me HOURS to do all these mods. I really don't think i can do it over again and am really hoping there is some way I can just go through and change the drive letter from C to D on like every file path and setting.


My Skyrim is through Steam. So I can just re-initialize Skyrim through Steam to actually re-install the base game to run in the original folder location. But is it possible to just re-install the NMM, LOOT, and other things to their original locations and have them find all of my mods and files in a similar manner? Or do I really have to redo all of my mods? Again, all that has changed is the drive letter from C to D. Otherwise everything is in the exact same folders as before.


Please help me salvage my modded Skyrim. Thanks everyone! <3

Edited by Maverik770
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