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The hat of Tim the Enchanter


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I'd love the hat of Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail ((This) even just the mesh would do, a texture could be made later, the in game hat (000209AA) could be used as a bae, the only thing that would need adding are the horns and maybe turning the side flaps in a little to be closer to the face, but that wouldn't be necessary.

I hope this isn't to big a request, really just want the mesh to get things rolling


Thanks for reading :)

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No Monty Python fans on the Nexus?

Sadly I can't model for the life of me, though I think I could make a half acceptable texture, probably need improving though. I'm hoping to implement it as a random one off encounter with a pure white bunny with okay health and massive damage a.k.a the vorpal bunny and adding a fortify enchantment affect on it :)

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