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Musketeer-style Hat


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Hello, all.


I'm just coming back to Skyrim, and have searched through mods to no avail; specifically, I'm looking for a musketeer-style feathered hat. I would love it if someone would be willing to put something together for me. If you're willing to undergo, I would be much obliged.



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  • 9 months later...
As of right now, the closest thing to a musketeer's hat is probably one of the hats featured in this mod. I've been looking for a musketeer hat, too, so I can play as Puss in Boots. All the Khajiit in the game already sound just like him, you should be able to make your character look like him. Oh, and don't try asking me to create a model of one for you. At most I can draw some cartoon penises on the texture of one of these hats. That's about the extent of my modding capabilities. Cheers! Edited by nickreaper316
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