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Upgraded/Restored Nightingale Hall


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I started poking around in the CK last night attempting to clean up nightingale hall but gave up. I figured either someone else would do a much better job, or, and more likely, someone else is probably already working on it. However, if anyone isn't already doing so, I'd like to propose a restored nightingale hall.


I don't really have many specific requests for content other than improved lighting and designated sleeping/training/etc areas (they already exist but are in ruins). However, I think it would be awesome to have a "Nightingale Forge" capable of producing Nightingale gear/weapons (and being the only place in skyrim where this is possible). It would also be pretty sweet if that forge had a blue flame/cauldron like the one where you meet nocturnal. :)

Edited by capitancrunch
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Not sure the ability to craft Nightingale gear should be thrown in there.


I mean if i can create it then I can mass produce it and sell it - and that just doesn't seem right for a small exclusive sect like the Nightingales. Feel the same way about Thieves Guild and DB armors as well. Seems the distribution of things like that would be tightly controlled.


Seems like Nightingale gear should be a gift from Nocturnal for faithfully serving her, much like the Agent power you get,

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  • 6 months later...

Nightingale Hall is useless after completing the quest line and it was the one place i never needed to go back to. But like most things in the game i thought i'd wait until the modding community would come to the rescue. :), much like adding more blades or fixing the companions progression has been modded perfectly.


I am surprised this is still untouched, Nightingale Hall has remained relatively unmodded. To be fair it is a strange layout to have as a base, afew more Npcs there would be great, perhaps a few thieves guild members can be promoted from the sewer to the cave, sure they'd appreciate it, give you followers much like the Dark Brotherhood ends up doing or earning you rewards much like marriage and the thieves guild does.


Glad to know others share an interest.

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