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i would love to have it back in the game and it would be very much appreciated if someone could make it. the CK is out so if someone that it willing and able to create such a spell/enchantment that would be awesome.


I 2nd this badly!

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the problem i see with this is that there is no Chameleon effect in skyrim, so the game and npcs and creatures wouldnt know how to deal with a chameleon'd character. thats a LOT of extra code that would have to be implimented in a SKSE plugin, and im not entirely sure thats even possible.


Short of the developers adding it into the base code, im not sure this is gonna happen, but i agree that its missed and not having it sucks.

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Really hope someone gets this going soon. This shouldn't be that hard to implement with the CK out now. You should be able to write some kind of script that would replicate the Chameleon from Oblivion, and even improve it. A script extender may be needed though.
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As palasx said, since there isn't any base whatsoever for chameleon it'd have to be coded in completely from scratch. That means that all the behaviors would have to be modified so actors could deal with it. I don't know if it's even possible without SKSE, but it wouldn't be any shade of easy.

But I agree it would be awesome.

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