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Creation Kit Buggy as Heck


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Hello Everyone.


So I've been playing with the creation kit non stop since its release a couple days ago. To cut right to the chase, has anyone else noticed that it's buggy as hell? I've been modding since the Morrowind days and I have a very solid understanding of the creation kits (/GECK) and I highly doubt it's user error. Here a list of bugs I have noticed thus far...


1. CTRL+ D in the exterior world doesn't in fact duplicate the item. Instead it creates a dummy duplicate and when the original is moved out of render view and back in, it's gone. I haven't yet tested this for interior.

2. I find it near impossible to select an object. Before it was simply point and click (with the occasional drag box to select for some items) but now I have to try multiple times to select an object. And some objects are straight up impossible to select. EG I could select this tree for the life of me. I kept clicking and drawing marquees with no result. No part of the tree was underground so the point of origin was not hidden.

3. When adding a large piece of architecture, it will disappear in-game. At first I thought this had to do with the LOD settings. So I made a duplicate of the items (in the item window not the render window) and changed the LOD settings so it would render the same mesh no matter what. Despite my many attempts to fix this, the objects still disappear.

4. Same as #3 but also happens in the creation kit. Sometimes items wont render in the render view. To fix this, you have to leave the area and come back so it will re-render the area. Sometimes you have to do it 2-3 times to get everything rendered.

5. Not to mention the number of load errors I get when starting the kit. (Most of them seem to be navmesh errors and linker ref object errors. After checking the linker object that was referenced, everything seems to be fine. EG the interior and exterior are linked properly.)

6. Some meshes aren't being properly loaded into the 3D view. It's almost as if the file path to the mesh or texture is incorrect. But after checking both the Mesh and Texture file path, they seem to be correct. I even went and made the meshes and textures to the moded meshes and textures folder (as to have access the the full file path not just the .bsa compressed files) and the problem still persists.


I find the creation kit impossible to use with all these bugs. I haven't seen any big architectural builds in the modding community yet and I think this may be why? Is anyone else having troubles like this or experiencing any bugs in general? I'm going to do a complete reinstall of the game and the kit to see if this helps.

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Yes, the CK is quite buggy. Possibly as buggy as the Oblvion CS. I don't know how many times the CK froze up or crashed the first day I used it.


The issues I have had:


(1) Error messages on start-up. (Actually this is likely due to Skyrim.esm being very rough and dirty and unpolished. When a modder is building an Oblivion mod, he or she makes a point of cleaning all this up so that there are no CS start-up errors. But with all this meaningless noise in Skyrim, people are unlikely to scroll through all the background error messages to see if there are any new ones relating to their mod.)


(2) Meshes sometimes fail to render in the CK. So there will be doors hanging in space with no building.


(3) It is indeed hard to select objects.


(4) If you mess up the NavMeshing of two adjacent exterior cells, you can get a situation where the mod is so broken that the CK crashes. If you try to go to the bad cells and fix them, it crashes. If you try to save the mod while it is broken, it crashes. If you try to modclean out the broken stuff, it crashes. I almost could not salvage my mod, and was thinking about starting over.


But I am very grateful to finally have the CK. I think we will be able to get as much work done on it as we could with the Oblivion CS.

Edited by David Brasher
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I'm quite glad to hear of other people's misfortunes and not just my own (for as harsh as it may sound). I've noticed a lot crashing too, that I don't think I mentioned previously. Randomly the kit will just crash with no error message or log.


Oh, and don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy to finally have the CS, also. I just wish I could use it without so much error. Also, I didn't think the Oblivion CS was nearly as buggy? It might be because that's when I started hardcore modding and didn't get to the intense stuff until GECK. Anyways, let's just hope for some updates, patches, and polishing from Bethesda before long.

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"Impossible to work with" is quite exaggerated.


I've been messing with the CK since release as well, but have so far not had any crashes. I'm sure there are some bugs, but I havent seen any of them either. I do however have Bethesda's slightly irritating error-messages on startup, and I really hate how you rotate and navigate the camera in the 3d-window.


I have no problems with selecting objects. You just need a fairly clear and close view of the object you want to select first, and make sure to hide unnecessary indicators (M). You also have to press the correct (Visible) sides of the objects polygons in order to manipulate it, or you will hit nothing but air or another object. If some object wont load, you can just hit F5 to reload the cell instead of scrolling out and back in.


But trust me, even with your problems this dev-tool is amongst the best and most stable ones out there. So it's really nothing ;)

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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I found Navmeshing to make sense and it was user firendly, even when doing the entire thing by hand, the only flaw twith it I've found is that I can't click points through objects, but can work around that by selecting it with the view mode set to navmesh only. (Tapping W once or twice)


The editor felt clunky, but it was fine once I began feeling somewhat comfortable with it.


Scripting is not as meaningful. I tried to see if I could take control over the potion's gold value by editing the Potion script and overriding the gold value function, but no. (I want to rebalance potion prices to make sense, a negative side effect shouldn't drag the price up).

Edited by GisleAune
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I have a lot of the problems listed here as well. I'm not sure why there's a record dialogue feature because that doesn't seem to work properly for me either.


I've also found that my search and replace (CTRL+F) takes about 10 seconds to load up now making that feature pretty worthless.

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