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Creation Kit Buggy as Heck


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Yeah FishFiend I've put in similar amount of time now and have been getting quite used to it as well. A lot of what I thought were bugs or things I found really difficult were usually from doing it wrong at first.


Anyway now that I've got the hang of things there are two issues really bugging me:


-How to add or remove grass? I realize you are supposed to paint the grass/nograss textures on the terrain to add/remove grass, but this appears to have no effect on the grass that was already there. Grass also floats in the air or sinks into the ground if I try to adjust the height of grassy terrain. So I am now quite confused as it appears nothing I do changes the grass. Maybe there is some kind of grass density/height map that needs to be recalculated?


-LOD calculation. It isn't very clear to me how to use this or exactly when it is necessary. I've also tried reading about it and people were saying the CK World LOD tool doesn't work? Anyway I have a mod I've been working on for days now that adds a new route beyond the border of Skyrim. There are lots of road and large rock cliff props. It seems when I go ingame to check things out, not everything is rendering (such as pieces of the road missing). I tried setting these props to Full LOD and now they seem to appear but this sounds a bit like a hack instead of the proper solution? Since this area is slightly off the map I've been forced to redo all the navmesh so maybe the LOD needs to recalculate as well. If this is the case, I am not sure how to correctly perform the new calculations. Does it need to be done on all of Tamriel? In this case how would I distribute the new LOD anyway? Wouldn't this conflict with ANY mods that update the Tamriel worldspace and require LOD updates?

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For people having the problem with the creation kit were objects, buildings, etc, disappear and are invisible. Here is a link on the creationkit.com for the fix! Its a script for the certain object! But what i found that really works is if you tick the box that says "Is Full LOD" and it should work! Good Luck




PS If you cant see objects in the render windows just hit "F5" to refresh the window.

Edited by hoodrecords
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Didn't read all the posts here but I'm noticing that some very basic things are either broken or we are locked out from accessing them. I'm trying to run EvaluatePAckage on the AI stack belonging to the alias (not the NPC). Sounds simple but I can't find a way to do it. So my mod is hampered by slow AI updates. After a while, its going to become irritating. So I get complainst about my mod and cannot do anthing about it. Many functions which does exist in the game (as a condition) is no available to the scriptor or if they do (even as a condition) do nothing.


Bethesda really has to sort this out. Already I am noticing the modders forums, where you can get help, have 10 on at most.

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I've had no major issues so far. There is one thing I have noticed though and I found this out purely by chance.


I'm working (and have been since the CK came out) on a very big mod.

Sometimes moving things around or duplicating a lot of items (several hundred), all the CK windows turn white after a while and the (not responding) words show in the title bar At this point, i used to shout profanities at the monitor and kill it with Task Manager.


One occasion however, I did the usual "OH F**K" and just left the room to make a cup of tea :)

When I returned, the CK was alive and kicking again.


I'm guessing that windows thinks the CK is stuck in a continuous loop or something, and throws up the 'not responding' dialog in the title bar.


Now when it happens, i just wait a minute or two and 99% of the time, the CK comes alive again.


This is of course different from an App Crash dialog box that Windows throws up.

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The CK is indeed very very buggy, I wish Bethesda would release a patch to fix it.


My common bugs so far:

Errors/Pop-up windows on CK start-up

Disappearing large architecture in-game

Sometimes crashes during loading a region

If you zoom out too far in the render window it sometimes crashes

Dummy duplication issue is also happening for me, although not that big of a deal

I also think it is way too hard to change the textures of the land, and the dialogue system is confusing.


Hopefully they fix these issues soon.

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I just can't customize music at all using the creation kit. The CK crashes EVERY TIME I try to save after making ANY changes whatsoever to music track playback conditions.


To reproduce the crash:


Start Creation Kit.

Click the Open icon and select Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. Click OK.

Audio->Music Track->right-click a track (eg. Combat01) and choose Edit.

Click the Conditions tab. Edit an existing condition or create a new one (if you get an error warning here, click "Yes to All").

Click OK. Click the SAVE icon. Creation Kit will CRASH.


I also get random crashes every 10 minutes or so whenever the xaudio dll gets unloaded from memory. I can't remember the exact error details but the faulting module is something like xaudio_2_6.dll_unloaded. It is a P.I.T.A! It seems to be something to do with DirectX, although it is up to date on my PC.


Update: the CTD when saving after editing music tracks seems to be caused by the fact that whenever I load a mod in the CK the path to the music file is blank. If I click the Browse button and attach a .wav file and then edit the Conditions and then click save .... it doesn't crash. However if I close the CK and then restart it and reload that mod .... the file path to the .wav file has become blank again and the CK will crash on save UNLESS I first reassign a .wav file to EVERY MUSIC TRACK that is blank. The problem here of course is that if the actual music file is in one of the Skyrim BSA archives, then I can't just browse to the file (for example, any of the vanilla Combat tracks) and select it (and I don't necessarily want to have to extract all the music tracks from the archive, that is not practical for mod development).


Edit: with version 1.5 I can now customize the music. I no longer get crashes on saving my mod. The music file does not become blank when I reload my mod :)

Edited by steve40
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50% of the time when i click OK to make the changes before i can save what im doing i get this



Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: CreationKit.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4f3018ab

Fault Module Name: CreationKit.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4f3018ab

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 001eea7f

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789



and this one


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: CreationKit.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4f3018ab

Fault Module Name: XAudio2_6.dll_unloaded

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4b6b0791

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 6f5da480

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Edited by aarons6
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Have you posted this on the Bethesda in the Creation Kit forum? I don't have this issue, and a vast majority of users here don't have this problem. You might have a little more luck finding out why at the place that provided the toolset to begin with.
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