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My trees don't look right.


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I reinstalled Skyrim recently and now the foliage on the trees don't look right even on Ultra settings.

CPU: Intel Core i7-4820K

CPU speed: 3.70GHz

Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

Video RAM: 4096 MB

System RAM: 16GB

Hard drive free space? 817GB

Game location: C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim

Game version:
Any DLCs: All dlc's installed
Mods: Currently no mods or mod installation programs installed.

I recently uninstalled and removed Skyrim from my computer so that I could reinstall that the game without any mods. However, when I did this and started that the game on Ultra settings, the trees looked a little wonky. When I look at the branches of the trees from the side the leaves and other parts have definition and texture. However, when I look at them straight on or from just a short distance, all of the leaves blend together in to a green blob and looks horrible.

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