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Magic for Enemies


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Yes, Requiem is one of the mods.


There are many other "Enemy AI" mods out there that add both spells and potions to the NPC, AND add the AI combat packages to allow the NPCs to use them.


But, those packages are fragile and easily broken by incorrect load order, or incompatible mods.


If you have two mods A and B.


Mod A adds potions, and the AI package to use potions.


Mod B adds NPC fire spells, and the combat AI packages to support the NPC actually using them.


When you load the mods in order A, then B, the loading of mod B, over-writes the changes made from Mod A, so the NPC might use the new fire spells, but the potions will sit unused in his / her inventory.


So, you either have to get mod maker provided patches, that concatenates or layers the AI package modifications to the NPC character records, or get a single, large mod, which adds both.


You can use TES5Edit to merge the mods A and B, causing both AI packages to be loaded, but there is a learning curve to getting the knack of it, and you MUST do Testing, or you've really not accomplished anything.



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