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Black line/seam showing up on my retextured sword. Any help?


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Hi all, I'm in the middle of a personal project to retexture the Chillrend sword to have more of an icy look to it, rather than it just being a bluer Glass Sword. I'm very new at modding and 3d in general, though I do have a strong 2d art background.


After struggling a bit, I was able to get the new texture in the game (though it's far from done, I'm not happy with it yet.) Unfortunately, there's an ugly black line right through the middle of the blade. It only shows up when you're zoomed out away from it, so it's hard to get a good screencap of it. Here it is anyway:




So I would imagine it would have to do something with the new texture that I made for it, but I'm not sure what. I tried to make the texture file as clean as possible. I can post the textures if it would help anyone pinpoint the problem. Being new to this whole process, I don't really immediately know what the problem is, so hopefully some experienced modders would be able to help me out.



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Is your sword texture in two pieces? It is possible that the border of you texture may be black from bump mapping or something and when you UV mapped the top and bottom halves of the sword together it created this line. Just giving a suggestion and if that isn't the problem than I am not sure what else it may be :tongue: . Nice looking texture though.
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Thanks for the reply. The black line does appear right where the sword textures are split on the texture map. Here's a comparison of the original texture with my (unfinished) retexture:




Thing is, I didn't change any of the original UV mapping on it, just the texture. Unless this could've accidentally been changed somehow, not sure though. My only idea is that there's this small blue area around the blade that's blank and I put more detail on there, maybe if I clean that up it'll fix the same, it's worth a shot.


And thanks, glad you like the texture! I'm gonna clean it up significantly, it's kinda got a little bit too much going on right now. The screencap I posted is kinda overblown out, which looks nice there, but up close there's a lot of muddy texture I want to fix. Also I'm going to try to make a nice new normal map for it, getting more of an icy shape to it.

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Sorry for double post, but I just had a thought. Could this issue have anything to do with the fact that I haven't changed the normal map, and have been using the original? I assumed it would work fine, but I could be wrong. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks!


I guess worst case scenario is I might have to make that tiny little area kinda detail-less, and see if that does anything.

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Have you messed with any other textures than the diffusemap? If there's an accidental black line on the specular, for example, that line would appear as nonreflective and might look like it does on your screenshot when there's bright light around. This is quite easy to miss with such mapping and if you're working a lot with adjustment-layers in photoshop.
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Sorry for double post, but I just had a thought. Could this issue have anything to do with the fact that I haven't changed the normal map, and have been using the original? I assumed it would work fine, but I could be wrong. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks!


I guess worst case scenario is I might have to make that tiny little area kinda detail-less, and see if that does anything.


You will definitely want a better normal map. That is why your texture looks 'muddy' in game. Nothing to do with your texture (which will look even better in game after you make a nice normal). Try making one and see how it looks and if the line is gone.

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NEW UPDATE: I'm even more confused than before. Before mucking around more with my texture and normal maps, I decided to just make sure even just the regular texture worked. I deleted my new mesh and new texture from the data files, booted up the game, and to my surprise.... the seam! It's still there! Even on the regular sword! If I deleted my mesh and texture from the data folders, there's no way it wouldn't revert to the original mesh and texture, right?


I tried out a few more swords, and didn't notice anything, but then pulled out the glass sword, and voila, the nasty seam again (albeit slightly less noticeable).


Can anyone confirm for me who either owns Chillrend or a Glass Sword in game that you don't (or do) have a black seam when you zoom out into 3rd person? I am using Bethesda's high rez texture pack, I don't know if that would make any difference? (BTW, the seam doesn't show up when you look at it in the inventory).


So I'm guessing it must be an issue with the UV's (although I'd feel better knowing it was a universal issue, and not just my issue) in which case it's kind of out of my hands, unless I can somehow manually correct the UV seams, which I feel is a bit out of my skill range. The good news is, knowing my texture wasn't the problem, I can go ahead and complete it how I want it, and get a good normal for it too! So keep an eye out for the mod, I can update in this thread too when I finish it.

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Might be an issure with the lod's uv then. I'm not familiar with messing with models in Nifscope yet, but I'm assuming it's quite easy to simply replace the bad lod with a proper closer one, or if deleting the bad lod would force the game to use a closer one. Works well in other games.


Sorry I'm not on my game-computer right now, so I cant check the sword ingame myself.

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