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Indicator of Previously Read Books


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When I see a stack of books sitting on a table, I tend to get curious. I'll sit down and leaf through each one to see if anything interesting pops up.

I also do this in Skyrim.

The difference is, in Skyrim the books can increase skills. So when I see a bookshelf, I go through every single book in hopes of finding a skillbook. Now there are two things relatively annoying to me about this.

First, the slow open/close animation. I really do hate that, but it's negligible.

Second, I have much trouble remembering which books I've already read. Some of them are easier to recall, but many of them are volumes, which makes it much more difficult to recall if I've read it yet. There's only so many times I can open up the "Argonian Kama Sutra" and wonder if I'd already read that volume.


So what I'd like to ask for, is the possibility of a mod to indicate which books I have already read within the game. It could be a written Indicator next to the title.

IE: The Wolf Queen Vol 1 (READ)


Or maybe color coded books:

White Title = Unread

Blue Title = Read

Green Title = Unread Skillbook

Violet Title = Read Skillbook


This would also solve my first issue with Skyrim's books. If I've already read the books and know it, there's less of a chance I'll have to see that damned animation.

That's all, I guess. Hope someone reads/likes this idea, is willing to make it a reality.

Edited by devavres
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